ADVERTISEMENTS: The following points highlight the four main phases of growth in bacteria. Medium. Why this Question) Commercial use of Bacteria and Fungi, also viruses in news. D) an unusual cell wall found in some archaeans. The neurogenic heart is Viruses and bacteria are probably the most familiar because we hear so much about them. bacteria. Solution For Which one of the following microbes forms symbiotic association with plants and helps them in their nutrition : biology. Rhizobium, Xanthomonas and Frankia are some of the symbiotic Nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Lag Phase 2. An initial period of no growth known as the lag phase, followed by rapid growth known as logarithmic phase. (c) A crash phase occurs at the end of the growth. What is the most specific level of classification to which all four animals belong? Transcribed Image Text: QUESTION 5 Which of the following statements are true of the bacteria pictured above? Which of the following was most important in prompting scientists to change the way these organisms were classified? The phases are: 1. Ornithorhynchus (Platypus) and Macropus (Kangaroo) belong to class Mammalia. View solution > In the food processing industries, which one of the following is The most common mechanism of cell replication in bacteria is a process called binary fission, which is depicted in Figure 9.2. relating to organisms whose cells have a nuceleus. Which of the following was most important in prompting scientists to change the way these organisms were classified? The organisms attached to the substratum, generally, possess View Answer. Good bacteria, on the other hand, can help prevent these diseases from happening in our bodies. Also, fungal spores released by soil fungi into the wind can be a natural mechanism of transportation. The organisms attached to the substratum, generally, possess View Answer. - The presence of spikes helps in attaching the viruses to the host cell. pain in the abdomen.
What method would you use to divide organisms into groups or classes based on specific characteristics? Which of the following is an aerobic nitrogen-fixing bacterium? Among the following pairs of microbes, which pair has both the microbes that can be used as biofertilizers?
1. The types of symbiosis are termed commensalism, mutualism, and parasitism. tiny organism, usually a bacterium. The bacteria do not have the appropriate protein or lipid receptors on their cell walls. (4) Cyanobacteria and Rhizobium. II. (singular: bacterium) single-celled organisms found in every ecosystem on Earth. Question 84. Pathogenic bacteria are bacteria that can cause disease. nitrogen-fixing bacteria, microorganisms capable of transforming atmospheric nitrogen into fixed nitrogen (inorganic compounds usable by plants). Hence, statement 2 is correct. Additional information: The other characteristics of Viruses are: - They are non- cellular organisms, which are enclosed in a protective envelope. Fusion of two nuclei is called Karyogamy. Calculus. a)It is a long-lasting disease b)It lasts for a short period c)It does not damage any organ d)All the above (3) Rhizobium and Rhizopus. Which one of the following is not used in organic farming? Contains a large number of viruses. - These viruses do not grow, neither respire nor metabolize, but they reproduce. Correct option:(2) Solution: In some blue-green algae specialised cells called heterocyst fixes atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia. Ecology - Organisms & Population Solutions. Which of these must infect a living host to reproduce? E. coli is a type of fecal coliform bacteria commonly found in the intestines of animals and humans. 24) Which of the following bacteria are responsible for more infections and more different kinds of infections? the lumens of glands, the urinary bladder) and surface tissues (e.g. Name the period of rapid growth in a bacterial culture when the cells divide every few minutes. b. disprove that microorganisms could arise from non-living matter. Microbiology is the study of all living organisms that are too small to be visible with the naked eye. They are also used for oil recovery. Most bacteria have a single circular chromosome; however, some exceptions exist. Question No. Question 8 Which of the following microbes would find hypotonic conditions most detrimental? Answer: C. Clarification: Agar is used as a solidification agent for media and is not considered a source of nutrient to the bacteria. They feed on nutrients present in rocks and liberate gases during this process. The function of contractile vacuole, in protozoa, is View Answer. There are three types of symbiotic relationships in which humans and bacteria coexist. Some microbes are putting on a show in the woods, others are dancing in puddles, and some are even saving lives. Which level of classification is the most general or most broad category? 1 / 10. Hemidactylus (Wall lizard) is a member of class Reptilia. 2.Which of the following microbes are considered obligate intracellular pathogens? The microorganisms, or microbes, that can cause disease come in different forms. However, among many single-celled organisms, horizontal transfer sharing genetic material directly with another, coexisting member of your own or another species is commonplace. Explain, using the theorems, why the function is continuous at every number in its domain. Microbiology is the study of bacteria, algae, fungi, viruses and protozoa.
A. all microbes are pathogens B. all microbes are prokaryotes C. all microbes are human microbiota D. microbes may have harmful or beneficial effects to human Question : Which of the following is TRUE about microbes? 12. Which of the following is not a feature of a J-shaped growth form of population? A) a structure produced by the fungus Tolypocladium inflatum that has medicinal uses. Example:Neophron (vulture). Download Solution PDF. Death or Decline Phase. Although you cannot see most microbes as single cells, they can grow together as colonies, biofilms, or larger structures, and become visible to the naked eye microorganisms become macroorganisms. Microbes are divided up into prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and viruses.
Correct option:(1)Neophron Solution: Hollow and pneumatic long bones are present in animals that belong to class Aves. This article focuses on the bacteria that are pathogenic to humans. D) Biofilms on rocks provide food for animals. replication. The organisms die in the presence of oxygen. Choose ten organisms (be it 10 plants or 10 anim als) to be observed. The bacteria do not have the appropriate protein or lipid receptors on their cell walls. Which of the following factors does not affect the distribution of organisms in an aquatic habitat? C. Agar.
But, Frankia also produces nitrogen-fixing nodules on the roots of non-leguminous plants (e.g. Decomposers are placed alongside the pyramid table because they help in breakdown of dead organisms at trophic level into molecules. D. Yeast extract. BIO 2420 INTRODUCTION TO MICROBIOLOGY EXAM ONE Page 1. Lag Phase: Lag phase represents a period of active growth during which bacteria prepare for reproduction, synthesizing DNA, various inducible enzymes, [] Which of the following correctly describes bacteria? Infection is the invasion of the host by microorganisms, which then multiply in close association with the host's tissues. a.
Definition. Infection is distinguished from disease, a morbid process that does not necessarily involve infection (diabetes, for example, is a disease with no known causative agent). The organisms should be grown in an anaerobic chamber. Which of the following statements DOES NOT describe microbes in an aquatic system? An inoculated thioglycolate medium culture tube is clear throughout the tube except for dense growth at the bottom of the tube. The organisms are facultative anaerobes. If it spreads to surrounding tissue, it is a boil. 1. e. A microorganism, or microbe, [a] is an organism of microscopic size, which may exist in its single-celled form or as a colony of cells . A) Streptococcus B) Staphylococcus C) Salmonella D) Pseudomonas E) Neisseria. a. Which of the following is put into Anaerobic sludge digester for further sewage treatment? So even being one of the important organisms in pyramid saprophytes/ decomposers has no place in the ecological pyramid. Bacteria are the most important microorganisms to the food processor. Several bacteria produce small outgrowths (spherical) on the surface of legume roots, called as nodules. log phase.
The correct option is A. Microbes are microscopic living organisms such as bacteria. The growth of bacterial population follows a geometric progression. Certain internal tissues (e.g. (1) Azotobacter (2) Aspergillus (3) Glomus (4) Trichoderma Microbes in Human Welfare Botany Practice questions, MCQs, Past Year Questions (PYQs), NCERT Questions, Question Bank, Class 11 and Class 12 Questions, NCERT Exemplar Questions and PDF Questions with Most species of bacteria are harmless and are often beneficial but others can cause infectious diseases.The number of these pathogenic species in humans is estimated to be fewer than a hundred. E) Biofilms in pipes block the flow of water. Most are harmless, many are highly beneficial, some indicate the probable presence of filth, disease organisms, spoilage and a few cause disease. Math. Microbes can cause disease through a variety of body organs and systems, which has cascading effects throughout the whole system and human body. c. discover the cause of French wine spoilage. It occurs at the base of the eye, it is a sty. mitosis. Humans and most multi-cellular organisms are mainly limited to transferring genetic material vertically that is, from parent to offspring. 1. These organisms are known as pioneer species because they are the first species present; pioneer species must be hardy and strong, just like human pioneers. Hence, statement 3 is not correct. 2. Agar dissolved in aqueous solutions, gels when the temperature is reduced below 45 degrees Celsius. (1) Aspergillus and Cyanobacteria. 10. e. develop methods for isolating bacteria in pure culture. Share on Whatsapp. an urgent need to use the bathroom. (a) It is found in stable type of population.
4. These bacteria differ in that Beggiatoa A) uses H2S for an energy source. nausea. Which of the following classifications of microbes are most likely to cause human disease, based on temp requirements ? In the nitrogen fixation process, nitrogen fixing bacteria converts the N_2 in the atmosphere into NH_3 (ammonia). )Major differences were .
Which one of the following sets consists of bacteria both of which produce exotoxins that increase cyclic AMP within human cells? Then, using the information in your data chart, group these organisms. Pathogens may invade or remain confined in regions inaccessible to phagocytes. So, consider this your introduction to the different types of organisms in the microbial world. fever and chills. Two kinds of nitrogen-fixing bacteria are recognized. Alnus ). (b) Exponential phase is very rapid. Term. The bacteria produce new types of enzymes that preserve and copy the genetic material. It can be prevented by minimising unnecessary prescribing and overprescribing of antibiotics, the correct use of prescribed antibiotics, and good hygiene and infection control. Put the following steps of the scientific method in order: I. Easy. Which of the following is the most general taxon used in classifying organisms? Complete the Data Chart by identifying the physical similarities and differences of these organisms. Answer: B. Clarification: A typical growth curve has four regions. People with diarrhea caused by some infections may also have one or more of the following symptoms: bloody stools. More than 90 percent of all nitrogen fixation is effected by these organisms, which thus play an important role in the nitrogen cycle. 155. View solution > Which one of the following is the non-symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria _____. But fungi, protozoa, and helminths are also big players in the story The Kingdom Monera has been separated into two domains, the Archaea and the Bacteria. A Trichoderma is used against certain plant pathogens. Summary: Hundreds of millions of years ago, microbes and plants might have given insects an evolutionary advantage by passing genes to them through horizontal gene transfer. A. Bacterial and archaeal species are equally represented in freshwater and marine. powerful device that uses electrons, not light, to magnify an image. The bacteria form flagella or cilia to move to new locations where they are protected. Microbes include the bacteria, algae, fungi, and protozoa. In this lecture we will discuss mostly the bacteria and the fungi. There are two major groups of bacteria, the "eubacteria" and the relatively recently discovered "archaebacteria". ?
The organisms are obligate aerobes. Which one of the following microbes forms symbiotic association with plants and helps them in their nutrition?
Solution: Azotobacter, Aspergillus and Trichoderma all are free living microbes that help plants in their nutrition. Glomus is a fungus that symbiotically forms endomycorrhiza that helps in absorption of nutrition specially phosphorus from soil. (A) Vibrio cholerae and Corynebacterium diphtheriae (B) Clostridium perfringens and Streptococcus pyogenes (C) Escherichia coli and Bordetella pertussis (D) Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Staphylococcus aureus (E) Bacillus anthracis and Some bacteria can be grown in an artificial medium but some cannot. The microbes found on a persons body are collectively known as a persons microbiome, especially those found in body organs and systems such as their skin, hair, and digestive system. C. Converts dissolved organic carbon to utilizable forms of higher trophic level organisms. The bacteria form flagella or cilia to move to new locations where they are protected. Unlike bacteria and fungi, viruses need a living host to grow. The function of contractile vacuole, in protozoa, is View Answer.
fungi While a doctor may diagnose and treat a patient who presents with a disease, an epidemiologist harmful condition of a body part or organ. Microbes are also responsible for ~70% of the methane production on Earth (25x more potent than CO 2 ), and ~50% of the CO 2 put into the atmosphere comes from bacteria. Log or Exponential Growth Phase 3. Binary Fission. Most of these are single-celled, except for which two: algae and fungi A parasitologist studies parasites. 3. Biology. The first microscope. Flagella, capsules, and pili are not found in all prokaryotes. Louis Pasteur and John Tyndall worked together to: a. develop antiseptic surgery.
a system for naming plants and animals. True.
The bacteria develop resistant endospores and pass their immunity on to others. Rhizobium produces nitrogen fixing nodules in leguminous plants. Organisms that depend on living plants are parasites, saprophytes grow on dead material. Influenza viruses A, B, and C make up three of the five major groups of orthomyxoviruses b. Figure 22.10 The features of a typical prokaryotic cell. to provide knowledge. All are true of influenza viruses except a. Stationary Phase 4. Ans) a Exp) Option a is correct. Which of the following plants is likely to be a pioneer species? A. A. Bacteria can avoid the attention of phagocytes in a number of ways. B. Peptone. May be used as vectors to introduce proteins C. Can synthesize new forms of heavy metals D. May be pathogenic and cause human disease A
Which one of the following microbes causes acidification and curding of milk? Microbes that cause disease are called pathogens. It is important to remember that: A pathogen is a micro-organism that has the potential to cause disease. An infection is the invasion and multiplication of pathogenic microbes in an individual or population. Disease is when the infection causes damage to the individuals vital functions or systems. A positive E. coli result is much more serious than coliform bacteria alone because it indicates that human or animal waste is entering the water supply. During assimilation, or when plants take up nitrates from the soil, bacteria aid in the An infection of a hair follicle, or pimple. Shape is referred to as arrangement b. the morphology and arrangement change as the colony ages c. arrangements are determined by the direction in which the cell divides d. morphology is more accurate than arrangement in species identification e. The outer layers are dead and covered in salt. Airborne microbes can move directly, from person to person through respiration, ingestion, and dermal contact or indirectly, from waste handling and loading of sewage, biosolids or animal wastes ( Earth Materials and Health, pg.59). Recall that prokaryotes are divided into two different domains, Bacteria and Archaea, which together with Eukarya, comprise the three domains of life ( Figure 22.11 ). (d) Rules for studying microbes. Clarification: Some of the free-living Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are-Azotobacter, Clostridium, Klebsiella and Beijerinckia. BSL-2 . The decision as to whether bacteria are friend or foe becomes more difficult when both the positive and negative aspects of the relationship between humans and bacteria are considered. The most virulent group is the Influenza A viruses c. every year a new influenza vaccine is developed d. the ability to provide lifelong immunity. Statement 1 is correct. (1) Glomus (2) Earthworm (3) Oscillatoria (4) Snail Microbes in Human Welfare Botany Practice questions, MCQs, Past Year Questions (PYQs), NCERT Questions, Question Bank, Class 11 and Class 12 Questions, NCERT Exemplar Questions and PDF Questions with answers, solutions, explanations, NCERT reference Hence, statement 1 is correct. What does a mycologist study? O protozoa wihout a contractile vacuole algae O fungi Obacteria with a cell wall O cyanobacteria Question 9 A bacterial cell that normally lives in the Spokane River is placed in ocean water. Antibiotic resistance is a serious public health problem. By contrast, several thousand species are part of the gut A cure for tuberculosis. Ecology - Organisms & Population Solutions. This cell will Obecome dehydrated due to the loss of water. Which of the following disease is not caused by bacteria?
7. Bacteria can be grown in synthetic culture media. loss of control of bowel movements. Like the good bacteria found in yogurt, probiotics in these foods can also prevent various types of cancer and osteoporosis and combat diseases like intestinal disorders and urogenital infections. The bacteria produce new types of enzymes that preserve and copy the genetic material. D. Possess several anti-predation mechanisms. Which of the following statements about biofilms is false? Biology questions and answers. C) Compared to free-living bacteria, biofilms are more sensitive to antibiotics. This includes bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, prions, protozoa and A) Biofilms on medical implants cause infections.
9. B) an outer membrane found in a taxon within the deeply branching bacteria. Besides annelida and arthropoda, the metamerism is exhibited by View Answer. 4. unbroken skin) are not patrolled by Generation of a hypothesis. Answer: A. Some bacteria are naturally resistant to some antibiotics. A. They are small living organisms such as bacteria. Which of the following is an example of a useful function of bacteria? This bacteria binds hydrogen molecules with the gaseous nitrogen to form ammonia in the soil. (Select all that apply.) 2. cramping. The Kingdom Monera has been separated into two domains, the Archaea and the Bacteria. suppose that you place exactly 100 bacteria into a flask containing nutrients for the bacteria and that you find the following data at 37 C: t (min):0 15.0 30.0 45.0 60.0 Number of bacteria: 100 200 400 800 1600 What is the . There are hundreds of strains of E. coli.
170 Marks +4 -1 Assertion : Tuna fish are rarely caught beyond temperate latitudes in the ocean Reason: Tuna fish can adapt in freezing temperature 1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion 2) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but the Reason is not correct Which level of biosafety is appropriate for handling organisms that present a moderate risk of infection? Mesophiles . Which one of the following is an example of carrying out biological control of pests/diseases using microbes asked Apr 17, 2020 in Biology by JaspreetMehta ( 25.0k points) class-12 Besides annelida and arthropoda, the metamerism is exhibited by View Answer.
D Fusion of protoplasts of two cells is called plasmogamy.
apoptosis. Which one of the following is an example of carrying out biological control of pests / diseases by using microbes? Bacteria Shapes 1 Cocci Bacteria. This antibiotic resistant strain of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (yellow), commonly known as MRSA, is an example of cocci shaped bacteria. 2 Bacilli Bacteria. E. 3 Spirilla Bacteria. Spirilla Bacteria. 4 Spirochetes Bacteria. 5 Vibrio Bacteria. So, the correct answer is Virus. Video Transcript. Microbes that enter the body through nose most likely affects a)Liver b)Heart c)Lungs d)Stomach. Certain microbes get all of the attention, and its usually the bad ones.
There are hundreds of good bacteria present in our bodies that constantly fight the bad bacteria that we somehow take in by consuming unhealthy foods or just by breathing. Biology. List of Organisms I Other observations: DATA CHART Similar Features Different Features 3. Which of the following statement is not correct for a chronic case? They can also help regulate your bowel movements, preventing and alleviating both constipation and diarrhea. Figure 22.11 The three domains of living organisms. Researchers a had rewritten the DNA of the bacteria Escherichia coli, fashioning a synthetic genome four times larger and far more complex than any previously created. B. A. Turbidity B. d. develop a cholera vaccine.
Hundreds of millions of years ago, microbes and plants might have given insects an evolutionary advantage by passing genes to them through horizontal gene transfer. Bacteria helps the nitrogen cycle along throughout many of the processes. Chemistry. For example, Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, has a linear chromosome. Saprophytes are organisms which feed on dead and decaying matter from the environment. The neurogenic heart is 25) Both Beggiatoa and the purple sulfur bacteria use H2S. )Major differences were . The bacteria develop resistant endospores and pass their immunity on to others. The possible existence of unseen microbial life was suspected from ancient times, such as in Jain scriptures from sixth century BC India. a. chlamydias, rickettsias, M. leprae, and T. pallidum b. M. leprae and T. pallidum c. M. tuberculosis and viruses d. rickettsias, chlamydias, and viruses ANSWER: RATIO: rickettsias, chlamydias, and viruses are considered obligate intracellular pathogens. Explain, using the theorems, why the function is continuous at every number in its domain. a. one of the most common bacteria group of black bacteria that is found in human good is family kids. Option (4) is correct. light-headedness and dizziness. B) Biofilms in your body protect mucous membranes from harmful microbes. and Rhizobium are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen 3. Besides from acute, there are other organisms that may be involved, uh, back to her roots back to Rhodes or brought you back to India of these, the group of organisms that are. (2) Aspergillus and Rhizopus. But the microbial world is hugely diverse. The first organisms to appear in areas of primary succession are often mosses or lichens. Fungi can be grown in an artificial medium. A. cholera B. typhoid C. tuberculosis D. measles Answer: D. measles Cholera, typhoid and tuberculosis are caused by bacteria whereas measles is caused by a virus. The bacteria are bacilli in shape The bacteria are vibrio in shape The bacteria are Gram negative The bacteria are Gram positive Calculus. Depth of water C. Humidity D. This is because Cyanobacteria like Anabaena, Nostoc etc. Beef extract. Is Grass a pioneer species? Can clean up an oily sill by digesting hydrocabons B. C) an outer peptidoglycan layer found in a taxon within the proteobacteria.
This is where the idea of avoiding foods with bad bacteria comes into being. 2. No growth is observed in the stationary phase and death phase. a) Azotobacter b) Clostridium c) Rhodospirillum d) Rhodopseudomonas Answer: a
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