Family First (Stargate SI): SI gets a vial of nanites, spills some, which creates human form replicator -- he drinks the rest. *Probably by redesigning Goa'uld tech? Stories in this section feature Sam and Jack, not necessarily in a shippy way. When a dimension portal and a wormhole have an unfortuate collision, Jack discovers that there's more than meets the eye when it comes to the three misfits who come shooting out. An example is that Teal'c did not sense Jolinar in 'In the line of duty' (at least as far as my memory serves me) but he has sensed Goa'uld in future episodes (The Tomb in Season 5) so I'm hesitant to make any guesses. Answer (1 of 5): Why would I care about the other Goauld? A Good Goa'uld: Challenge Type: Personal Challenge: Category: Stargate > General > Characters: Other Description: There are very few stories, even official episodes in which the Goa'uld are presented as anything other than clich riddled Evil overlord drop outs.
[T] by: A Karswyll: Stargate SG1 Fan Fiction Genre(s): Adventure / Action / Drama | Type: One Shot Latest Revision: January 31, 2013 08:34 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 19.4K | Visits: 708 Summary: Sam and Jack escape in a glider from a goa'uld and find themselves on an unknown winter world where Sam must fight a battle between herself and the forces of the world's evil god. Stargate SG-1 Fanfiction. Cut to More Fan Fiction. Fic Sam and Jack.
After she did that Vala in her arrogant calm Goa'uld voice to the Jaffa Guards that attack her and SG-1, Vala "You dare attack your goddess." These are beings born with knowledge beyond any human. That Goa'uld would travel down a path Von Natur aus sind sie also eine aquatische Spezies. To Conquer Chapter 1, a Stargate: SG-1 + Harry Potter Crossover fanfic | FanFiction Goa'uld Supreme System Lord Ra relaxed- feeling rather pleased with his latest victory, on his solid gold throne strewn with the finest silks for comfort. Normally it wasn't so hectic, but a late spring snowstorm and bus versus semi on I-25 had changed that. E-Mail Me. Chapter 1. SG-1, Sam/Martouf|Lantash, Sam gets captured on a mission and is to be sold as 'exotic slave' (or whatever the euphemism for sex slave is). He helped lead the rebellion that ultimately drove the false gods from the Earth and bury the Stargate, but he was too late to save the Nameless Pharaoh, his cousin and joeywheeler. RELATED: This is the crossover fanfic in my fan-series featuring Doctor Who (the Fifth Doctor played by Peter Davison in the classic BBC tv series) and the Sliders. Viking Chick's Reading Room . I, Goa'uld. Yes, that would make me an outstandingly aberrant Goauld, but it is all about self preservation. The most well known of these teams was SG-1. Forum. It had made a normal Monday morning rush hour into a race against time for many of the victims from the pile-up. What is it? Most are known to be extremely egomaniacal due to their genetic memory, and were capable of living thousands of years. And as they fight the goa'uld and a strange new alien influence, the very nature of the universe comes into question. Study the ideals of the the Tauri. The main difference between the queens and normal Goa'uld is that queens can spawn new symbiotes (we watch Hathor do this). But figuring out how to deal with each other, that was new.. "Stargate Etheria", chapter 43 by Starfox It also leaves behind traces of naquadah. Watching the Goa'uld System Lords sent to parlay with the Asgard over the fate of Earth, was a bit nerve-racking to say the least. Voldemort used all his magical powers and trumped the Goa'uld who could only use biological/technological ones. However, after an encounter with a Goauld named Anubis, Earth was left with only one of the interstellar doorways. "And if a Goa'uld does learn of you, and it is within the power of the rebel Jaffa in his ranks to strike against him, that Goa'uld will cease to live before he can tell another." They typically wear an ornate form of armor with a special helmet that covers their There was originally supposed to be a third movie, Stargate: Revolution, but this was shelved after 2 years in limbo. Stargate Etheria. WhoSliders #16 Doctor Who and the Sliders: RESCUE ON KINDA. (Teal'c in "The Enemy Within") This is the index of Jemima's Stargate SG-1 fan fiction, which consists mainly of drabbles. Exploring science and magic, Harry discovers the price of waging war.
STARGATE SG-1: Behind Enemy Lines picks up on the story of clone Jack, from the episode 'Fragile Balance' (Ep 7.03). FanFiction. She found a home with the Athosians, and there she waited for a chance to strike back at the Wraith. Martouf or rather Lantash has to buy her pretending to be a minor Goa'uld. Thousands of years ago the Goa'uld were much like they are today, save for one. Ten-Thousand Suns (K+ for language, Sam/Janet) - Sam is trapped in the rubble after an earthquake collapses a building on an alien world. Official webpage Was pretty good if I'm remembering it right, though I can't really remember the name. I came up with the following idea as a sort of 'fanon' or 'head-canon' to try and reconcile a major difference between the movie and TV series - namely, that Ra was a humanoid alien who took on a kind of energy-based form to allow him to possess an Egyptian boy, while the Goa'uld were portrayed as eel-like 'snakes' who literally latched onto human hosts. Stargate is a little inconsistent with facts like this. Could Andrew enter the SGC without hypervenilating to death? SG-1/X-COM Crossover - As humanity fights two alien threats its defenders join forces to turn the tide. The symbiotes they uncover have been fossilized for hundreds of thousands of years. by Strix varia. Some years after the events of SG-1, and Atlantis, the original team are called back for an important mission. Goa'uld 2 (The Barque of Heaven) Goa'uld 3 (The Barque of Heaven) Goa'uld 4 (The Barque of Heaven) Goa'uld 5 (The Barque of Heaven) Goa'uld 6 (The Barque of Heaven) Goa'uld 7 (The Barque of Heaven) Category:Goa'uld queens. One undercurrent theme in all of Stargate is how the technologically superior Goa'Uld keep losing badly to early 21st century Earth military, partially by some (absurd) luck, partially though by the vastly superior military doctrine Earth's armies have. Die Goa'uld leben in den Gewssern des Planeten P3X-888. These memories, they are part of the Goa'uld genetic memory that every Goa'uld has. More.
The Goa'uld evolved on the planet P3X-888, where there are still populations of primitive Goa'uld. A symbiote, as it is also known as, invades a host, usually human, through the back of the neck (some have been known to go through the front) and blends into the host's biological structure, attaching itself into the brain and thus gaining access to the host's knowledge and Join the Scoobies as they go through the Stargate with Jack, Sam, Daniel & Teal'c, or head further afield to the city of Atlantis. Symbionts. They are a powerful race who once had dominated the Milky Way galaxy for thousands of years. He travels to Earth with his forces, unintentionally reactivating Cheyenne Mountain Complex to assess his threat. Chapter 1: For eons I drifted through a void. Der Wille des Wirtes wird dabei vom Goa'uld in den Hintergrund gedrngt. The System Lords walked down the ramp after appearing threw the Stargate. I was quiet as they passed. Now in possession of the fact that I am a fucking Goa'uld, my mind made the connection that The Daniel Jackson in my dream was real, that I am a Goa'uld, and that I am in the stargate Universe. Von Natur aus sind sie also eine aquatische Spezies. Ten-Thousand Suns (K+ for language, Sam/Janet) - Sam is trapped in the rubble after an earthquake collapses a building on an alien world. This name generator will give you 10 names which will generally fit the goa'uld of the Stargate universe. The enemies they had been fighting were on their very doorstep. The death of the "Supreme System Lord" will allow other Goa'uld, including Apophis, to become more powerful. Bastet, Goddess of Love- Goa'uld Symbiote MulletMaiden 4 1 Tokra Symbiote CrypticPython 16 13 Sakkath YukiOshi 13 31 Goa'uld eReSaW 372 81 Thor's Hammer Guy-Inkognito 28 9. Teal'c loves Star Wars.
Goa'uld: Possession by PridakArbiter. A dying symbiote releases a toxin that kills the host in most cases. Die Goa'uld leben in den Gewssern des Planeten P3X-888.
Now and then vast beings of hungry energy swam nearby. The Simplified Goa'uld Hatak Mothership is a paper model made by Scott C. Killenbeck of the Ha'tak ship. ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal. When the goa'uld took their slaves to seed the galaxy, were humans all they took? Join the Scoobies as they go through the Stargate with Jack, Sam, Daniel & Teal'c, or head further afield to the city of Atlantis.
Goa'uld (Stargate) Tok'ra (Stargate) Established Relationship; Married Sam and Jack; Old team back together; Vala and Mitchell really aren't in this much; Summary. Access to these appropriate templates can be found here. Latest Gallery Contributors. Access to these appropriate templates can be found here. Die The regular Goa'uld are parasitic, enslaving, often tormenting their host and they are evil and megalomaniacal. Goa'uld (Stargate) Tok'ra (Stargate) Established Relationship; Married Sam and Jack; Old team back together; Vala and Mitchell really aren't in this much; Summary. In an alternate future the Earth is a member of the Stargate Alliance, a group made up of all of the major races in the Stargate SG-1 universe. The Goa'uld are aquatic parasitic creatures that evolved into intelligent, but extremely evil, beings. These articles are canon only however top fan fictions will be able to place small sub articles within those to link to their series with use of non-canon templates. Meets alien race and saves them from Goa'uld invasion. Note: As for Sam being a virgin - I guess Sam didn't have sex with Jonas Hanson. The Rakata (also known as the Builders) were a humanoid species with distinctive amphibian features We are currently working on 1,885 articles Publisher: MongooseThe Glorious Empire is an Aslan splinter state in the Trojan Reach that engages in the forbidden practice of slavery He looked down, spotting the shape of From this site you can post your fan fiction in a wiki format so as to be able to access commonn articles such as Goa'uld and Asgard. Story (C) 2005-2015 Mr SciRev. However, despite her death in 1999, NOTE: Gray symbols are suggestions only! After the Jaffa Guards fired Vala very quickly switch her Kara Kesh and send a force blast from her Kara Kesh. Der Wille des Wirtes wird dabei vom Goa'uld in den Hintergrund gedrngt. Stargate: Equestria is a crossover fanfic written by Bosstone in which the SG-1 team, after Daniel makes a mistake while dialing Earth, wind up in the cute and colorful lands of Equestria. Cut to More Fan Fiction. Inc., or any personnel associated with Stargate SG-1. Upon finding Earth's long-lost Stargate, the US Military promptly went out into the universe, and, mostly through pluck and determination, set out to completely rewrite the status quo, despite the fact that the rest of the galaxy is a lot more The longer I lingered the more dreams and thoughts slipped out of my being. Memes. The queen uses a hosts DNA in order to lower the rejection rates for her offspring. Inverted. Synopsis: When Agatha Clay gets thrown through a Stargate and meets SG-1, things get interesting fast. Both Space and Ground. Several species can serve as hosts, including humans and Unas. Fanfiction. by Strix varia. SG/SI multicross: Self insert is an Atlantis human form replicator, in Mass Effect. Ships and Tech. The Goa'uld (pronounced "Go-wah-oold") are a race of sentient parasitic beings that take over hosts. Spoilers: Stargate Movie, In the Line of Duty, Need, Touchstone, Forever in a Day, Jolinar's Memories, The Devil You Know, Shades of Grey, New Ground, Absolute Power Summary: Tag for Absolute Power. RoeskvaNat 39 Deviations Stargate Goa'uld Nail Art: I Am Your God.
Alex They are also extremely egomaniacal due to their genetic memory and the adverse mental effects of the Sarcophagus technology.
There are a few longer stories and one filk. The most well known of these teams was SG-1. In the Stargate universe, the word "Goa'uld" means "children of the gods". I actually explored the idea of a not-100%-evil Goa'uld in a fanfiction once. "XSGCOM: Goa'uld Defence" by Hotpoint. Dr. Daniel Jackson has spent the last three weeks on an archaeological dig with SG-11.He and his colleague, Dr. Robert Rothman, study artifacts uncovered on an ancient world, and they conclude that the planet P3X-888 was likely the original homeworld of the Goa'uld parasites. ber Jahrtausende hinweg sind diese Wesen die vorherrschende Macht innerhalb der Milchstrae. The Goa'uld are sentient parasites who take over hosts, which can be an individual of a variety of species, including humans. When Sam is captured and killed by the Goa'uld on a mission, Jack is willing to move heaven, hell, and time itself to prevent her death. Stargate was one of the defining science fiction shows for a generation of genre fans.
Adapt. Survivors of previous dynasties, the go'auld left are those who are currently maneuvering little empires but are one of the evils of the galaxy. It is made of Naquada Goa'uld names - Stargate .
So feel free to discuss the politics and history of the Goa'uld, or just post some really hot thunking pictures if that's more your style. Could Andrew enter the SGC without hypervenilating to death? For those who care, there is also a chronological list of my fan fiction and a short Goa'uld lexicon. Symbiotes are very resistant to most sedatives Stargate There are 39 symbols on a stargate.
The Knife's Edge of Madness SG-1 is captured by a Goa'uld who singles Sam out for questioning. blue-eyes. Someone gets thrown into the Stargate Universe. using.
If the normal rate of rejection is 20%, and the queen has the ability to lower it to <20%, it's makes sense. Etherians love Earth's pop-culture. Ultimate List of Sam-Whumping Stories. They originated on the planet designated P3X-888. The Stargate had first been opened by Dr. Daniel Jackson 9 years before and the Stargate Command or SGC had been sending teams to alien planets ever since. The Ashraks (Goa'uld for "hunter") are highly trained assassins and combat Goa'ulds who are known to be one of the most resilient figures ever known. But let's celebrate Stargate's first villain. Although they were the main antagonist of Stargate SG-1 for its first eight seasons, they only made one appearance in Stargate: Atlantis, specifically in the Season 2 episode " Critical Mass ". Goa'uld in Kathleen Ritter 's Lexicon. Goa'uld (Stargate) SCORPIA (Alex Rider) Interplanetary Travel Science Bros College Student Alex Rider Found Family Canon-Typical Violence Timeline Shenanigans Swearing Alex had settled into his life as an ex-reluctant spy. The bodies are those of the Linvers a rival league of lesser Goa'uld who challenged the System Lords.But they are no threat any longer, and the reason for their Kaialyn Dex was, so she believed, the only survivor of a Wraith attack on her homeworld. Daniel knew his entire planet's fate was walking the razor's edge. Eg. The murky waters of the swamp had become my domain with the use of some of the skills I had awoken in this life with. But figuring out how to deal with each other, that was new.. "Stargate Etheria", chapter 43 by Starfox Really, the defining element of the Stargate verse is the Stargates: a Portal Network allowing instantaneous travel between the various worlds. (SG1: "In the Line of Duty", "Allegiance") Ashraks were highly skilled warriors that were able to survive for long periods of time in enemy territory. The answers lie within our selection of Stargate crossover fanfics. Stargate SG-1 ran for 10 seasons and was followed up by the movies, Stargate: The Ark of Truth and Stargate: Continuum.It is part of a wider Stargate euniverse which includes spin-off shows Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Universe. Meeting strange new people wasnt unusual either for the Best Friends Squad. The Emergency Room at Denver General was chaos to the average onlooker. Both Space and Ground.
Entering a gate leading to an unknown planet while dodging fire wasnt too uncommon for SG-1. 10 Goauld System Lord Apophis. Some years after the events of SG-1, and Atlantis, the original team are called back for an important mission. Inc., or any personnel associated with Stargate SG-1. A "Cartoons > She-Ra: Princess of Power" fan-fiction story.
The answers lie within our selection of Stargate crossover fanfics. Look at what is bringing about their downfall. ber Jahrtausende hinweg sind diese Wesen die vorherrschende Macht innerhalb der Milchstrae. Goa'uld means "god" in the Daniel Jackson was born on July 8, in the year 1965, on the planet Earth, His initial purpose for joining SG-1 was to gain knowledge and find a way to separate his wife, Sha're, from her symbiote, Amaunet. After World War I France created a vast array of fortified positions meant to protect against another invasion from the east known as the ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate. TV Stargate: SG-1 Rated: T, English, Adventure & Sci-Fi, OC, Words: 12k+, Favs: 198 , Follows: 272 but it will take a few years of dedicated effort. My SG-1 Fanfiction: SG-1 Bloopers: My Goa'uld Dictionary: List of Named Goa'uld in the series: SG-1 Artwork: E-Mail me: Major and Minor Goa'uld Gods of Stargate SG-1 Want to discuss a correction, make a suggestion or just drop a comment? Memories dissolved behind me into the void. A look at the Goa'uld Symbiote itself from the Stargate franchise. *May or May Not be Harry Potter. Adrian Conrad's Goa'uld. The Goa'uld took over beings as host, taking complete control of their bodies. Community. When the goa'uld took their slaves to seed the galaxy, were humans all they took? Meeting strange new people wasnt unusual either for the Best Friends Squad. For Stargate SG-1 this fanfic occurs just before the Season 4 episode WATERGATE. The Goa'uld are a parasitic race of symbiotes who take other beings as hosts.