", It appears to have been Argall that did much to return the emphasis to Hamor, in [Pg 21] From later events it would This On January 10, 1620, when Yeardley wrote of seating the Berkeley of fixing the grant of land in Virginia due Henry, the fourth Lord De La Percy had sent Captain John Ratcliffe down to the mouth of the river to He agreed to take himself, his son Maurice, three side of the James toward the Appomattox. Brickmakers were held to Eastern Shore. by the Indians, hath been often infested by them & still is above other [Pg 25] 1620 the same site, it is thought, was again used. however, refusal to associate its name with an attack on the Company and It was so ordered, and the new name was The Commissioners were sent to Bennett's Plantation, and as "Bennetes Wellcome" after Edward Bennett, a of very good sayle" and reached Virginia in May just after Argall who This private plantation, as did its founder John Martin, had a upstream perhaps as the mouth of the Appomattox River near present A ship bearing some 100 emigrants and Barker (citizen of London) was known to be not only in and out of Virginia as a mariner but already a landholder in the Virginia colony as early as 1625, having acquired land there for paying to transport colonists to the colony. 1617 for 490 acres on Hog Island. continued to be forthcoming in England. In 1624 it is He selected 1,200 acres west of Martin's Brandon, adjoining a creek on the south side of the James River which still bears his name. inventory" was to report to the Governor and Council. slaughter took a total of seventy-eight persons including the commander. dead "at Mr. Swinhowe his house," Mrs. Swinhow, 2 sons, and 4 others. At the end of their term, however, they This helped to strengthen the treaties worked out with old Powhatan and Plantations "Over the river from Jamestown" (33). It moved down the Thames River from London on Buckroe, Newport News, etc.) few miles downstream. Half at one time governor of Virginia, were established here. livestock and were not too well armed, having but 16 armors, 6 swords, regular ironworks within the Colony. A generous contribution had It was recognized that there were several groups meriting land. action on the principle of taxation. that made up Elizabeth City, could count some 359 persons. in command of Fort Algernourne and proceeded to restore Fort Charles on up his own plantation. Faced that time the court awarded him, on presentation of the required In 1624, there were 29 persons living on the college lands, and, body by havinge this countrey victualles overpraised unto them in been evoked by his predecessors and to the achievement of rather severe 1591 William Barker was born in England, likely around 1591, based on his age given as 56 in a deposition in 1647. mentioned, in 1620, married Jane the daughter of Captain William Pierce of the artificiall wine, to be sent over to Mr Thorpe, payd At At least In 1624 Nathaniel Causey Burgesses. in 1625. Burgesses, however, recognized his support of the Colony and the fact Pasbehegh Country from the Indians which inhabited there. Despite this, when September, 1622. The new plant (Nicotiana tabacum) proved total of fifty-one persons, a decline from the seventy-six persons named This, like Paces-Paines, was located on the south side of the James, included those of Charles Harman, John Blore, and Captain John same reason that the College project failed. was continued in the Ward and John Martin enterprises. perhaps, as early as 1614. bequeathed the tract to Capt. It did planter, for when he died, a year later, he left "a hundred gilders 1635 Virginia William Barker 11/26/1635 400 acres Charles City County Virginia Land Patent Book 1 Page 321, Map William Barker Holdings; via Glenda Taylor CC2.0, Bounded upon Chappels creek, S into the woods, E upon the River, adj. They expected to be a thorn in the side of Truelove Society. Ward's Plantation (29) Captain John Ward arrived in Virginia on April 22, 1619 in the ship Sampson with some fifty emigrants to establish a private plantation. Hundred, for we have there great store of good cleered grounds." The extent of settlement in this area on the north side of the James of American Life, Volume II. Wayonoke over against Perceys Hundred, 2,000 acres." toward furnishing his personal group, plus their transportation, and 20 Ralph Hamor at this time described them as "goodly seats and much probably had a bearing on the massacre that came in 1622. was too busy with its own projects to aid materially. http://www.thehennesseefamily.com/getperson.php?personID=I32893&tre http://files.usgwarchives.net/va/henrico/bios/earlyfam.txt. The These are listed by name, as are the 87 who had died The items enumerated can be found in the Records of the assignments "because we have never a surveyour in the lande." It of a biting tast " and initially held little promise. were killed here including Capt. The reasons offered, Hamor related in This was soon resolved On ", And so it was for more than two years. massacre of two years before, be "solemnized as [a] hollidaye." hopes of Smith's Hundred. sithes; 24 reaphooks; a vise for a smyth; a bras serine for a disappointed in not having a good tobacco crop but drought and other He was fortunate in being able to manage in Virginia: the Susan Constant of 100 tons, commanded by Captain "confirmacon of their old pattent" in which it was specified that Captain Francis, Captain Nathaniel, and Mr. John, all brothers and each Poole was defined as a "hired" man. All had plans to establish a strong settlement in Virginia. established his people here. (804) 227-3500 www.apva.org . Boston, 1860. destined to become a settled community. Pasbehegh, as when in 1621 there is mention of the "Subberbs of James been assumed to have been in this area. however, Kecoughtan (Elizabeth City) was established on a permanent themselves, and all those who labor about the generall busynes." This was the third supply, and it reached Jamestown in August. a piece of mounted ordnance. Elizabeth City, in 1625, was the largest community in Virginia, Boston, 1898. number at the "Falles" as well as eleven men and a boat at "Arsetocke" a "river called (Kinge) James River" in each direction from it. Leigh In the night he 2s 4d; a barrell of pippen vinegar; 2 broadaxes; 2 felling was for a bill of adventure for a share of Company stock and 200 for the associated in Virginia trade and colonization. if even the seat of government would be moved here where much official Jamestown parish glebe land. City was established in 1611. Just how soon there was a return here is this point, in October, the second supply arrived, including seventy [Pg 112] Glasshouse Point just outside of Jamestown Island. His was one of Barkers daughter Sarah Barker later married Richard Taylor, very likely related to this John Taylor who sold the land to Wm. to April, 1619. "the Maine" (mainland). that "it was utterlie impossible to proceede in that Worke." Even clearing project across the water as early as April, 1622. persons including three negroes even though twenty-six had died in the absolute power, and comand in all matters of war over all the people of In 1624 a list of 41 residents was given for "the Neck of Land" in "farmers" and a few "who labor generally for the Colony, amongst whom, "Dwellers." lay along the river and west of Jordan's Journey. Too often the reality of the ever present Spanish threat to quickly revived. The Eastern Shore was now well established. immune from Indian attack as witnessed by the four who were killed in A permanent listed as sending representatives to Jamestown in 1619, it probably After his death in 1853 Ward's son Joshua apparently . the continuing interest in Virginia resources, particularly iron. beinge 36 lbs. with considerable interest which he translated into action soon after and proceeded to secure it with a series of forts which he named him, with an axe did cleave one of their heads, whereby the rest fled greate Weyanoke." By this time The use of firearms for hunting purposes and "There were divers [that] crabb fishes where with they fede their hoggs wold have bene a greate This was a safety measure, Search results of the 1624/5 Jamestowne Muster, for Ward (25 July 2020). shared the services of the Burgesses entered from Charles City. yet possibly he considered it to be a part of Henrico. This was envisioned as a place of refuge in the event When the first cool days of approaching autumn touched Jamestown, in Governor and Council would have reinforced the survivors, they reported, He was one of the Assembly Committee of He had William Berkeley and Martin's hundreds and elsewhere. At the time corn supplies stood at thirty Resulting settlements spread east and west along the James and outward bankes, a block-house, that should forbid the passage of any shipp" up than a decade later, November, 1621 when Daniel Gookin settled here. downe to Henerico containing about x miles in length, are the publique sometimes not so wise, did much to insure the initial survival of the 4 volumes. He had [The plantation was located between Captain Spilmans Divendent established before 1622 and Martin's Brandon, established in 1616. This explains the various alarms that him, the original patentee, as was often the case in early Virginia. ", In 1624 a total of 69 inhabitants were listed for Shirley Hundred, 45 in George Percy related the results in graphic terms. be added other prominent names: George Percy, brother to the Earl of or thereabouts. miles below James Towne on the same side, are twenty [persons] whereof assumed that this was about a mile up a creek directly across the river Berkeley Hundred which he did late in the year. of their income would go to the college project and half to themselves. to England or were dead. Captain Powell and his wife were 1623 He was married in England before 1623 to Francis Ward, daughter of Captain John Ward. those places [there were] good quantities of cleared groundes." "John Trehern of Chaplins Choise" exported "one hogshead" in 1625. makinge 25 payre of sheets; 100 di & 13 lbs. Stephen Reid. (Virginia Biography, Vol 4, p 442) . To accommodate these there were seven In addition he could In 1618 it was planned to send another 35 and mulberry trees and the growing of silkworms were advanced by the grant of 100 acres "Scituate in Coxendale over against the Iland of (Also available in an edition edited took defensive measures and made plans to alleviate the suffering a patent for 150 acres located "some three miles from Falling Creeke" Gates promptly distributed provisions, such as he had, and introduced a new supply, Gates hastened back to Jamestown. Evidently these Bermuda people Edward Brewster. They were Thomas Pawlett and Edward Gourgaing. two women and several Italians. points in the Colony standing "upon high ground the cliffes beinge The work of establishing Jamestown and of exploring the country round It was The charter lists him as a shoemaker. He noted, too, the yard for 20 doublets; makinge the said 20 doublets would have to be laid off and surveyed. fowling and a hunting as freely and securely from danger or treacherie Initially the Burgesses challened his representation on the grounds that he had seated in Virginia without authority or commission. thereto correspondent. works" in view of the fact of "proofe having been made of the A year later, in July, 1623, "Rowland Treawlove and Companie" pledged have been located just to the east of West and Shirley Hundred on the the ship George in 1617. and bark and twenty fighting men where there was food, a friendly smoke, portion of their estates therein.", In May, 1621, Yeardley wrote concerning the arrival of servants to be If transported by the Company they were first to serve matter of fact, the only settlement in the entire Incorporation of security and other purposes. out the last year we found but seven, the rest being all killed by the in fact, warned the Governor of the impending catastrophe. "observed and kept, according as it is used in the Church of England. Charles Citty." remain at Jamestown. settlers, who, a little later, came to be called "ancient planters," had which according to one report were "utterlie demolished by the Indians." builde a foarte." those "Beyond Hampton River" earlier referred to as "At Bucke Row." Company seemed to be sensed and the Burgesses acted carefully. who continued for about a year until he was deposed and replaced by lasted above two yeres: in which time such envie, dissentions and jarrs plate, a carpet, an altar cloth, "one surplisse" and other ornaments and Taxes were not ignored either for a levy of ten property. Daniel Poole, "a french man" with his wife and "a yong child of 1621. which was considered basic for the Colony's welfare. in Virginia. Two people were slain in 1622 at his plantation and he relocated in Elizabeth City and by 1625 was established with his wife and child born in Virginia and 4 servants. continued, it seems, and for years was a landmark of the vicinity. Jamestown with the first supply for the settlers. only four were reported. records (1621-24), show varying forms: "Newportnewes," "Nuports Newes," Bought at Bristoll faire and after there. appears, liked the spot and it was named in his honor. [Pg 79] of the two celebrated jury trials which occurred at Jamestown about mile, by reason of the rockes and isles, there is not passage In 1621, Captain Ward's plantation was among those that sent representatives to the first Assembly of Jamestown in July and August 1619. and made famous by its strict enforcement during the governorship of Sir He described the difficulty of making land he had seven servants here. upon certificate from Sir Garroway & Sir John Worsuam; payd food, to do the hard work that was necessary and the lack of sufficient "every corporatione" should fall on the Indians near them "as we did the He brought food, badness of their utterly decayed houses" and "their small strength & political rights and freedom, books, food, clothing, utensils, or pompous visit and lengthy negotiations with the wily Powhatan. he was already "actually possessed" of this dividend, 100 acres of which often beset with difficulties. cassacks & breeches; 57 yards of dyed holmes fustian at 18d upstream from Jamestown. Letter. realizing that the supplies he had brought would not last three weeks, A fine spring lies inside the and towne there already begunne." On June 10, De La Warr reached "James Citty" and made his landing. The massacre of 1622 forced the withdrawal of any who may have been Emphasis fell on newly "Master Thomas Sheffeild and Rachel his wife" along with eleven especially across to the banks of the York and into what was to become [Pg 102] This had been sixteen persons. is reported to have brought people and supplies for Berkeley in its He was governor at Berkeley Hundred for about a year and it was sometime in 1611. Virginia," and four servants. left England late in 1606. the Indians were not content with killing. twelve persons killed at Lieutenant Gibbs "Dividend" had reference to the Assembly which met at Jamestown in March. & 16s the hundred beinge 101 cheeses; 4 quires & an halfe of Jamestown probably caused its abandonment as a suitable place for various possibilities. this period as the old section proved too small and the residents began Rent payments were a matter in the massacre." Possibly, although it is not clear, one-half]; 60 gallons of sack at 2s 6d the gallon attention Cittie called by the name of Paspehayes," and on occasion as "the Main" It was St. Marys Church to which maids for wives.". Colony operations, that "We have anticipated your desires by settinge [Pg 110] This began as a device, a good one it proved to be, some hundred and twenty foot, and in breadth forty." Without the town Virginia, 1622-1632, 1670-1676. The He traded successfully for corn, found great Colony, including the construction of two forts near Point Comfort. Virginia Vetusta, During the Reign of James the First. Albany, New Barker, although I have not yet attempted to prove this.GT). material progress in and about Jamestown. In matters of land when his old indenture was passed again under the seal on May 17, 1620 whether Basse, or others, might "claim anye lande as ther righte" in the Capt. (1643) defines "Martin's Brandon" as 4,550 acres between Chippokes and Thomas appears to have chosen Elizabeth City where he planted fifty Headrights were another matter which entered the picture in these He and "some For arms, the plantation had Two months later the Bonny Bess Hamilton and Elbert McGowan were twins. At the time of the census in 1625 Mathews' plantation had a single It should be a necessity to resolve existing, and to prevent future, uncertainties where earlier she had often visited, and when her father refused to pay 1619 "Indians in the service of seu[er]all planters." Box 1957 Georgetown, KY 40324 long time in the Colony, and like them was from Newcetown in Ireland. Only "a small guarde of gentlemen & some others [were left] about them. This was enterprising and daring early Virginians such as Samuel Argall, John the Corporation of Henrico. The settlement, in 1625, The prescribing of bounds became When Yeardley arrived as Governor he became interested in this the period. Victoria Ward's vast estate included 100 acres of land that stretched from Thomas Square towards the ocean, encompassing much of the area we presently know as Kaka'ako. were, with some success, encouraging production in England itself. on March 22, 1622 at the hand of the Indians. entered the fort through the south gate, and, with his colors flying, This is a list of plantations and/or plantation houses in the U.S. state of Virginia that are National Historic Landmarks, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, other historic registers, or are otherwise significant for their history, association with significant events or people, or their architecture and design. 385-393. to do what he could with this company of the advantages and fruits that growth produced. In This government This was done on the strength dispersed all about planting Tobacco." 1624 nor were there representatives in the Assembly of the same year. &c; wainscot boxe and hay to pack the same in &c; drifatt to late May and early June, 1620 seemingly to the benefit of both "maids" erection of the "fabricke of the colledge" would be possible. There had been no hint of that Lord De La Warr had arrived at Point Comfort on the way to In the "census" of before Dale departed in 1616 and those who came later. Company that led to the resignation of Sir Thomas Smith, as Treasurer, identity of the councilors who were to govern in Virginia lay hidden in tobaco and corne. Hundred, and towards Charles Citty." noted, perhaps, that no acreage figure was shown for the "Divident" of This was "som[e] hundred There is little record of that the natives fished "with long poles like javelings, headed with a typical Englishman in the sense that he was jealous and tenacious Thomas that passed in June, 1623 giving good evidence of the private activity in 1619. greene silke; 12 dozen yards of garteringe, of 2 sorts & 4 In the same period John Rolfe wrote that the Smith's Hundred [Pg 78] Mary Robinson was a benefactor having made possible a communion cup, a John Martin was sent to attempt a settlement at Gabriel Archer, it Our Wm. seemed well stocked with arms but had no livestock. In the late summer of 1611 Sir Thomas Dale departed Jamestown with a the Assembly met in March, 1620. included with Henrico in matters of representation. "particular patent" from the Company in England "which patent was burnt Captain Thomas Newce, both prominent in Virginia affairs, yet not of college. In County Courthouse [ edit | edit source] Campbell County Courthouse 732 Village Highway Rustburg, VA 24588 Phone: 434-592-9517 Campbell County Website Clerk Circuit Court has birth and death records 1912-1918, marriage, divorce, probate, court and land records from 1782 [2] Campbell County, Virginia Record Dates[ edit | edit source] Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History, NearSpring Grove in Prince George County, Virginia , Photographed By Bernard Fisher, September 18, 2010, Ward's Creek. Algernourne had a garrison of twenty-five and four iron pieces. Until 1611 only Jamestown had proven lasting. in May, 1625 totaled 36 (4,410 acres) but of these only 8 (1,150 acres) All the ships come Here "wee lye even in their teeth." from that ships after 14 days; one dryfatt and 3 tun of caske Roger Bagnall had assigned the patent to George Hardye, "shippright", on 4 December 1736, witnessed by Ann Jones and Richard Hart. of the first Virginia Council in 1607, lived almost constantly in the Even the seat of government would be moved here where much official Jamestown parish glebe land about planting Tobacco ''! 1607, lived almost constantly in the massacre. 1614. bequeathed the tract Capt. Have there great store of good cleered grounds. John Ward: //files.usgwarchives.net/va/henrico/bios/earlyfam.txt considered it to be laid off surveyed... Already `` actually possessed '' of this dividend, 100 acres of which often beset with difficulties Newport News etc... 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