ada lovelace school catchment area

To see all our data you need to click the blue button at the bottom of this page to view Ada Lovelace Church of England High School on our interactive map. own admission authority for the current admission arrangements. Technology and its fast advancement have always fascinated me. Schools in disadvantaged areas often suffer poor resourcing or other issues. She is known for helping develop the first personal computer and was also the first person to have a PC in her home. During the inspection, meaningful reading opportunities were observed with the older children in early years, preparing them well for Year 1. We respect your privacy and never share your email address with the reviewed school or any third parties. Ofsted reports and The criteria in which schools use to allocate places in the event that they are oversubscribed can and do vary between schools and over time. Parents and students might prefer a school that isn't their local for many reasons. Would you support a premium Finding Ada newsletter? There are many opportunities to develop both number skills and early writing in all areas of learning. This system applies across many big cities in the US. 56 state schools in Ealing follow the local authority's admissions criteria, while 36 set their own. Self-evaluation is accurate and based on clear evidence, informing future planning for improvement well. And I think the combination of the two - beautiful, conceptual ideas with hard problems to solve, makes it a very creative subject.. 2009-2023 Locrating Ltd, All Rights Reserved. Your review is awaiting moderation and we will let you know when it is published. Locrating is the UK's most popular and trusted school guide; it allows you to view inspection reports, admissions data, exam results, catchment areas, league tables, school reviews, neighbourhood information, carry school comparisons and much more. Pupils develop their knowledge across the curriculum successfully and are engaged in learning.The parents and pupils are very proud of their school and are excited by the opportunities available to them. Please read this criteria before completing the relevant form. For example, mobile technology can provide women with access to financial services, such as mobile banking, which can increase their economic independence and provide them with more control over their own resources. To apply, please note that before you begin completing your formensure that you have the following information to hand: 1. Below is some useful summary information regarding Lovelace Primary School. Leaders have made sure that safeguarding procedures are thorough and are understood by staff. So, we must start using digital tools and technology to promote gender equality and empower women and girls. Parents and children interested in attending a school other than their catchment school can apply to a central register and list their preferred schools. Leaders have made sure that safeguarding procedures are thorough and are understood by staff. Built for parents, the UK's Best School Guide. Leaders have revised the systems for teaching reading in key stage 2 effectively, enabling teachers to focus on specific skills with all pupils in each lesson. We draw on the partnerships with Middlesex Cricket Club, Ealing Cricket Club, Brentford Football Club, and London Irish Rugby Club to add value to our sporting offer. Secondly, there needs to be a concerted effort to eliminate unconscious bias in recruitment and hiring practices, such as removing identifying information from resumes and job applications. Travelling to school by car is discouraged and all visitors and pupils are requested to travel by more sustainable means. My child receives appropriate homework for their age, 7. priority for siblings, children of a particular faith or specific feeder schools. Ada Lovelace CofE High School is committed to straightforward, open, fair and transparent admissions arrangements. Ada Lovelace Church of England High School? Phonics is taught well and pupils are able to apply their phonics knowledge to reading tasks.All staff are regularly involved in discussions regarding the progress and attainment of different pupil groups. They are free to download, print, use and share. Ada Lovelace is an 11-18 Comprehensive school, which will reach a roll of approximately 1350 students in the academic year 2024/25." Read Full Message School Admissions queries should to be directed 020 3540 0200. All students study an academic, Grammar school curriculum model with a focus on the core and enabling subjects in the morning curriculum with longer lessons in the creative applications in the afternoon. Due to number of reforms to GSCE reporting introduced by the government in 2014, such as the exclusion of iGCSE examination results, the official school performance data may not accurately report a schools full results. The system would identify the places available at the schools of choice and allocate these according to admission rules. school performance dashboard, Christ the Saviour Church of England Primary School, Our Lady of the Visitation Catholic Primary School, William Perkin Church of England High School, Ada Lovelace Church of England High School. Ada Lovelace Church of England High School Catchment Area, Reviews and Key Information Secondary Post 16 PUPILS 463 AGES 11 - 18 GENDER Mixed TYPE Free schools SCHOOL GUIDE RATING Not Rated Compare To Nearby Schools Ada Lovelace Church of England High School Catchment Area Can I Get My Child Into This School? Free schools Greenford. Late applications will be considered. Oversubscription criteria will be applied if more than 200 apply. However, it is important to ensure that the development and deployment of AI is done in an ethical and responsible manner, so that it does not perpetuate existing inequalities or create new ones. Registered in England and Wales They demonstrate pride in what is on offer at the school. Mary Keller, an American Roman Catholic religious sister, was born in 1913 and died in 1985. The Year 5 Annual Review offers an opportunity to express parental preference. Yours sincerely Helen Rai Ofsted Inspector Information about the inspection During this inspection, my colleague and I held meetings with you and other members of the senior leadership team.I met with governors and spoke to a representative from the local authority. The research, led by the University of Bristol and funded by the Nuffield Foundation, is the first . As a woman who has worked in the technology sector for many years, I often experienced the isolation effect of being the only woman in the room, and I was aware that I was one of the only women who was entering and staying in this tough, male-dominated industry. Born in England on December 10,. She teamed up with 2 other scientists to develop the BASIC computer programming language. For more information, please see About and refer to the section, Why does a school show0% on its GSCE data dial? Policies and procedures are understood and followed effectively. She went on to become the first female head of astronomy at Harvard University. This school responds well to any concerns I raise, 11. For any questions please email neighbourhood information, carry school comparisons and much more. I am so grateful to Carmen for sharing her thought-provoking vision for the future of Quantum, and her beautiful understanding of sciences. Australian governments should consider giving parents and children greater choice of public schools through a transfer system that promotes exchange across catchment areas and prioritises disadvantaged students. Enter a postcode, street or neighbourhood to get started, Voluntary aided school Ealing Broadway, London. This was linked to a recommendation from the previous inspection report regarding the presentation of work in non-core subjects. I receive valuable information from the school about my child's progress. I am so thrilled to announce that for International Women's Day on the 8th of March at 1 pm (GMT), I will be hosting a panel discussion on the theme of "DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality. Firstly, companies must prioritise creating a diverse and inclusive workplace culture, where women feel valued and supported. Please click on the link in the confirmation email sent to you. Also see Ealing's own admission authority for the current admission arrangements. Applications will be ranked in accordance with the oversubscription criteria set out for the current academic year andnotin the order in which the applications are received or placed on the waiting list. For me its about two things: the concepts are beautiful, especially the ideas bring together maths and interpretation, as well as simplifying behaviours so that you can understand them and re-construct complex phenomena again. Pupils talk confidently about their learning opportunities in all subjects. Women are strongly impacted in their careers by the gender makeup of their network, so forming these groups can really empower women in technology. Outside of this specified event, Ada Lovelace is closed to the public and is unable to host personal tours throughout the academic year. See details in Appeals tab. This can include digital literacy and coding skills, which can help to close the digital gender gap and ensure that women have equal opportunities to participate in the technology sector. Each house is linked to national/international charities to raise money for them and learn more about their identity and purpose. Leaders understand the importance of keeping pupils safe, consider local issues, and provide regular training to ensure that all staff are kept up to date with key guidance and advice.Parents and pupils report that the school is a safe environment. Details for both of these can be found below. During the years as a Naval Reserve, Grace joined the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corp in 1949 where she designed a compiler which translated programmers instructions into computer codes. There is a single Specialist Language Assessment Dayfor Specialist Language Scholarship Places at William Perkin Church of England High School and Ada Lovelace Church of England High School. Ada Lovelace excelled at themand became what some say is the world's first computer programmer. Me, I ask myself, Will this help me build a relationship or connect more genuinely with this person?. This Assessment Day will be held at William Perkin Church of England High School after schoolon Tuesday4th October 2022. Promotion bias and unequal opportunities for growth. We will only be offering T Level Courses in the Sixth Form so for more information about theseplease see T Levels. Finally, it's important to support women in leadership roles, including providing opportunities for promotion and ensuring that there are women in leadership positions within the company. Ofsted: None. Parents are informed by the LA by 15th February on their year of transition of the school place offer. Thirdly, it's important to address the gender pay gap and ensure that women are paid equally to their male counterparts for the same work. This house fell short of $1m was a school zone change to blame? Teachers are very aware of the needs of students with SEND and care is taken to ensure access to the curriculum for these students. The application deadline is 31st October 2022. We are some time away from all of this happening though. Make the Leap. Leaders diligently ensure that the support for families is provided where needed and make effective use of a range of services. Ada Lovelace hosts anOpen Eveningduring each Autumn term for Year 6 into 7 pupils. Ask if you can bring someone youre mentoring or supporting to an event youre invited to; 3. Ada Lovelace was born in 1815 and died in 1852, she was born in London and was homeschooled by her mother and had several tutors. Ada Lovelace Church of England High School, Ada Lovelace Church of England High School Catchment Area, Enter a postcode to see where you live on the map, Ada Lovelace Church of England High School Key Information, Okay, let's register to unlock School Guide, Don't forget to confirm your email after you have paid, Get updates and School Guide's A* newsletter. Next steps for the school Leaders and those responsible for governance should ensure that: ? Mary Wilkes was born in 1937 in Chicago and graduated from Wellesley College in 1959 with a degree in philosophy. We are, a schools information website. nurseries A-Z | find all nurseries near me | find all nurseries by postcode | local authorities. The Achievement and Integration Program in Minnesota compares the percentage of minority students in neighbouring districts. In the 1960s she started to work on information retrieval (IR) and introduced the IDF term weighting, which has been adopted by modern systems such as web search engines. This way, no student would be worse off by participating. 2009-2023 Locrating Ltd, All Rights Reserved. They are free to download, print, use and share. You can add our schools map to your own website using our schools plugin, Ground Floor This article originally appeared on The Conversation. Pupils keep diaries to evidence their reading, which provides an effective dialogue between home and school. We looked at how well leaders are working together to address the second recommendation from the previous inspection. The concentration of pupils shows likelihood of admission based on distance criteria. As there was no pharmaceutical school nearby, she applied for a job at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) and within 2 weeks had started working there. A more regulated and carefully balanced exchange process could address this problem and avoid exacerbating inequalities. Now she believes she's being penalised, Achievement and Integration Program in Minnesota, This mum would rather sell up than send her kids to the schools in their catchment, Rich school, poor school: Here's where 8,500 schools rank on the income ladder, I am an education expert from Finland: choosing an Australian school for my kids was a no-brainer. So, I have been dedicated to encouraging and supporting the brave women who chose to work in this sector and fight the barriers of gender inequality. Geographical criteria are only applied after pupils have been admitted on higher priority criteria such as Looked After Children, SEN, siblings, etc. Most public school students attend a school in their catchment area. From 1st September 2022, In-Year Admissions will be openfor Year 7, Year 8,Year 9,Year 10 and Year 11students onlyand will be subject to the Admissions Policy for September 2022entry which can be found below. Famous Scientists - Biography of Ada Lovelace, IEEE Computer Society - Biography of Ada Lovelace, Computer History Museum - Biography of Ada Lovelace, Ada King, countess of Lovelace - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Ada King, countess of Lovelace - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Government policymakers in Australia should consider the potential to implement a fair, transparent and equitable school transfer system to increase school choice and provide better educational opportunities for disadvantaged students. Did you love sciences in school? This legacy will be at the heart of our Digital Specialism where Digital learning will shine brightly. Lynstock Way She is well known for working on the IR and introducing the IDF term to produce natural language for the search engines that we use daily. I love reflecting on the extraordinary women who allowed us to understand this immense world above us a little more: Henrietta Swan Leavitt, Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, and Vera Rubi. She was a major figure in setting standards for a large proportion of the work in natural language processing (NPL) in the US and other countries. The work in pupils books evidences typically good progress and the focus on the presentation of pupils work has led to improvement. Pupils talk confidently about their reading opportunities, reporting that staff help them with recommendations and that books are clearly categorised so that they can self-select a text pitched at the correct level. How have we plotted this catchment area map? Please note that there will beelectronic versionsof the Specialist Music and Sixth Form application forms in due course. Radia was born in 1951 in New Jersey and attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology and learned programming for a physics class. This was to increase opportunities for language development and number skills in the early years. Ada Lovelace CofE High School is committed to straightforward, open, fair and transparent admissions arrangements. children with siblings already at the school, high priority pupils and selective and/or religious admissions) but we may have removed statistical outliers with more remote postcodes that do not reflect majority admissions. Most big cities in Australia use "catchment areas" for assigning students to public schools, meaning you're (generally) stuck in that area. In Aberdeen, the catchment areas are a patchwork of lines, each relating to a different type of school. Register your details to add open days, photos and news. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Use the link to the Local Authority Contact (above) to find catchment area information based on a single admission year. As women, they weren't allowed to operate the telescopes themselves and were paid very little - yes you read this right! But I come to the central point of my newsletter: how can technology and digital tools help women? Lostock Unit B Lostock Office Park Our heat maps use groups of postcodes, not individual postcodes, and have naturally soft edges. Progress from key stage one to key stage two is typically broadly in line with the national average in reading. Radia is known as the mother of the internet and for creating STP which is fundamental for the operation of network bridges. Isa Hafalir is a professor of economics at the University of Technology Sydney. Keep up-to-date with ALD projects and news with our monthly newsletter. This was linked to a recommendation from the previous inspection report regarding the presentation of work in non-core subjects. As she explains, new New research conducted by New View Strategies has found that 38% of female tech workers are thinking about leaving the sector. This article by Charlotte Fuller, explains this very well. The closing deadline forExternalapplications isThursday 15th December 2022and the closing deadline forInternalapplications isMonday 23rdJanuary 2023. Ambiguous policies and lack of transparency. youll be able to add your review, Write your review, add your email and submit. Catchment area maps, published by the school or local authority, are based on geographical admissions criteria and show actual cut-off distances and pre-defined catchment areas for a single admission year. This School Guide heat map has been plotted using official pupil data taken from the last School Census collected by the Department for Education. We are inviting applications from both internal and external students to join our new Sixth Form at Ada Lovelace CofE High School. Figures based on 157 responses up to 29-04-2019. Her father then left Britain forever, and his daughter never knew him personally. We strongly encourage you to submit your application to appealupon notificationthat Ada Lovelaceis unable to offer your child a place at the School. 10. Parents and pupils report that the school is a safe environment. Your local state school (primary or secondary) is the school which is closest to your home. I hope you join me in this exploration of the intersection of women, technology, and gender equality. In October, prior to the September transfer, each school will read the papers sent by the LA. It is a visualisation of where pupils lived at the time of the annual School Census. While this may start in the little moments in individual conversations, its also important that youre prepared in the bigger momentsespecially as a leader or manager., People often ask me how to know if theyre disclosing too much. Publication Date. Free . Phonics is taught well and pupils are able to apply their phonics knowledge to reading tasks. Digital education can also play a crucial role in promoting gender equality by providing women and girls with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the digital economy. She taught many PhD students in computer speech and language the diverse areas of NPL and IR. Updates? This system could give you the choice, Follow the action from the third Test between India and Australia in Delhi in our live blog. Karen Jones was born in 1935 and died in 2007. Due to number of reforms to GSCE reporting introduced by the government in 2014, such as the exclusion of iGCSE examination results, the official school performance data may not accurately report a schools full results. Ada Lovelace Church of England High School Key Information How Does The School Perform? Self-evaluation is accurate and based on clear evidence, informing future planning for improvement well. In 1965 Mary earned her Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Michigan. Preference is given to students who attended the school in Yrs 7-11 followed by students currently in Yr 11 in other Trust schools and then from other schools in the wider community. I am always trying to keep up with the new tech trends, and wanted to share these below, identified by McKinskey. March 1st newsletter:Reflections For International Women's Day, DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality. This was highlighted so beautifully in an article by Shanna A. Hocking, focusing on 6 easy Ways Women Can Uplift Other Women at Work: 1. Unsuccessful applicants have a statutory right to appeal for a place at the Academy. All applicants will be admitted if 200 or fewer apply. D in information science from the University of Chicago in 1973. After getting married and having a family, a relative told her about open positions at the all-black computing section at the National Advisory Committee of Aeronautics (NACA) laboratory. Current school (including Head of Year 11 contact details), 4. She was educated privately by tutors and then self-educated but was helped in her advanced studies by mathematician-logician Augustus De Morgan, the first professor of mathematics at the University of London. Catchment area maps, published by the school or local authority, are based on geographical admissions criteria and show actual cut-off distances and pre-defined catchment areas for a single admission year. 4 Greenford High School. Each student would be either matched with one of their preferred schools or their catchment school. 20% of Ealing's schools are private schools. We respect your privacy and never share your email address with the reviewed school or any third parties. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. 6 Ealing Fields High School. She is a true role model to all the women and girls out there who love sciences, and want to tackle the worlds biggest challenges. Parent(s)/carer(s) details and contact information, 3. The Victorian Web - Ada Lovelace (1815-1852): Pioneering Computer Programmer? On July 8, 1835, she married William King, 8th Baron King, and, when he was created an earl in 1838, she became countess of Lovelace. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. I loved almost every subject in school, if the teacher was engaging, I loved literature and history too - but sciences always felt like the most mysterious and different, with completely new concepts that we werent used to handling in our daily lives, and the most intellectually challenging because it was centred around problem-solving.. It is also important to ensure that tech tools are developed and used in a way that is inclusive and responsive to the needs and experiences of women and girls, and that they are not perpetuating existing inequalities and power imbalances. As leaders and managers within an organisation, it is important to encourage women to speak up and get out of their comfort zones. Fourthly, companies can offer flexible working arrangements, including remote work and alternative hours, to help women balance their work and personal lives. I thought it was also important to highlight that a lot of women enter the sector, but find themselves leaving it due to several alarming reasons. Leaders diligently ensure that the support for families is provided where needed and make effective use of a range of services. Systems for reviewing pupils reading are well established and pupils are confident when selecting a range of texts to read independently. What do you personally love about science above all else? Children are provided with a range of opportunities to apply their reading and writing skills into meaningful contexts across the curriculum. Last year, for International Day of Women and Girls in Sciences, as a tribute to all the women and girls out there who are dedicated to sciences and technology, I decided to turn to my dear friend Carmen Palacios-Berraquero, Co-founder and CEO of Nu Quantum, and ask her a few questions about sciences and her ground-breaking work. On each school page, use the link to visit the school website and find information on individual school admissions criteria. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Schools can upload their full GCSE results by registering for a School Noticeboard. Public Transport Pupils are typically well engaged in their learning across non-core subjects, and teachers demonstrate good subject knowledge. Figures based on 157 responses up to 29-04-2019. All pupils are included in the mapping (i.e. 12. Leaders have implemented a culture of safeguarding that protects all members of the school community. Next steps for the school Leaders and those responsible for governance should ensure that: assessment during lessons in non-core subjects is used more effectively to support learning teachers further develop the opportunities for pupils, especially the most able, to deepen their knowledge of key concepts in non-core subjects. Another line of enquiry was to review how leaders ensure that pupils with high prior attainment make strong progress in key stage two, especially in reading. ? Digital tools can also be used to collect and analyze data to identify patterns of discrimination and inform policy decisions. This school responds well to any concerns I raise. Ada Lovelace C of E High School Alec Reed Academ y Ark Acton Academy Ark Soane Academy Brentside. After receiving feedback from a range of people with an interest in the new school, Trust Directors decided that the school should have an 'open' admissions policy (oversubscription criteria) as opposed to one based on faith criteria. I am proud to lead Ada Lovelace, the newest school in the Twyford CofE AcademiesTrust, an outstanding school established to serve the local Ealing community. At the moment, its exciting to be in the field of quantum technologies. The parents and pupils are very proud of their school and are excited by the opportunities available to them. Ada Lovelace is driven by a confident sense of purpose, a clear education vision and ambitious aspirations for our students. This will provide insight into the schools history, ethos and community in addition to our curriculum, pastoral and wider learning opportunities. Further information can be found inour Prospectus for 2023entry. The key focus on subject-specific vocabulary provides a strong basis for discussions regarding a range of topics across the curriculum. Describe your amazing Quantum Quest! The school has 200 places for entry in Year 7 (from September 2020). In 1958 she started at the National Science Foundation workshop in the computer science department at Dartmouth College which at the time was an all-male school. Beyond the curriculum at Ada Lovelace, we provide a broad range of extracurricular enrichment opportunities with the aim being to provide an offer that rivals our local private school neighbours. Applicants are removed from the waiting lists on 30th June each academic year. Ofsted: Good. Women can also serve as role models and mentors to future generations, inspiring and empowering the next generation of female leaders in technology and science. priority for siblings, children of a particular faith or specific feeder schools. Policies and procedures are understood and followed effectively. Schools can upload their full GCSE results by registering for a School Noticeboard. She attended Xavier University where she majored in pharmacy for around 2 years. Most big cities in Australia use "catchment areas" for assigning students to public schools. This school makes sure its pupils are well behaved, 8. There are often up to four or five local schools in a catchment area and families have the opportunity to enrol their kids across school districts. In due course near me | find all nurseries by postcode | local authorities information. They were n't allowed to operate the telescopes themselves and were paid little... Policy decisions parental preference 6 into 7 pupils preparing them well for Year 6 into 7 pupils is taught and... Of opportunities to apply their phonics knowledge to reading tasks for them and more... For their age, 7. priority for siblings, children of a particular faith or feeder! 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ada lovelace school catchment area